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Imperial Equities Announces the Temporary Suspension of Dividend Payments

By January 14, 20152015

EDMONTON, ALBERTA – Imperial Equities Inc. “Imperial“ today has announced it has temporarily suspended the payments of quarterly dividends until further notice. The suspension of dividend payments include any quarterly dividends payable beyond Q3, 2014.

“The price of the lifeblood of the Alberta economy has been in freefall for the past several months and it is likely to continue falling. Oil as a commodity, has for many years, been the economic driver of the province. Any downward pressure placed on the price of oil almost always will have a negative impact on the economy. Although other economic sectors may remain strong it is prudent to take an extra cautious approach in the stewardship of our company. Management will continue monitoring the economic outlook and will likely reinstate dividend payments at some point in the future“ said Sine Chadi, President and CEO of Imperial Equities.